Friday, 24 April 2015

Spinach Dal

This is almost a staple in the Telugu house-holds. The tempering of ghee adds such delicateness to this dish that I would suggest don’t skimp on it just for the calories. You will be missing out on a lot! The awesomeness of this dish also lies in the fact that it’s so quick to cook. Finished just in a jiffy. Bachelors, get happy. Put it on the stove, do your work, whoop and don’t forget to turn it off. There you go and your dinner is ready!!

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Mango Mousse

My brother-in-law is home for holidays and I wanted to treat him to a nice dessert. I decided on making mango mousse for two reasons - mangoes are the fruit of the season and he loves mangoes more than anything else..!!!